Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sample Research Proposal - 1378 Words

Purpose This proposal’s purpose is to gain approval to write a recommendation report on improving the locker program at the PCC Southeast campus. We will send this report to Josh Peters-McBride, who is the Director of the Student Life and Leadership Programs at Southeast. Explanation of Research We started our research by locating the lockers on campus. We discovered that there are forty small lockers in the library. They are checked out for up to four hours a day through the library. We then took the following steps to collect data for a research paper for improving the locker program on the Southeast Portland Community College campus. †¢ We interviewed Nicole Seery, the Assistant Coordinator for the Student Life and Leadership†¦show more content†¦Description of Report Our team is writing an eight-page recommendation report on improving the current locker program at the Southeast campus. The outline of the report is detailed below by each section. Title page: listing the title, â€Å"Recommendation to Expand the Southeast Campus Locker Program† and Josh Peters-McBride as the person we will send it to. It will also show Erick Gonzalez-Mejia, Juliana -Gonzalez-Mejia, Jonathan Heinz and Christi Justice as the report authors and the date the report was completed. Table of Contents: this will show where to find the Introduction, Opportunity, Research Process and Analysis, Recommendation, Resources, and Appendix inside the report. It will also include page numbers for a picture of the current lockers at Southeast, a bar graph showing the level of interest in lockers and another that shows the length of time students predict they would use a locker per term. Introduction: a brief explanation that the report is recommending improvements to the Locker Program that is currently in place at the Southeast campus. Opportunity: this will be one page and explain what the current locker program is at the Southeast campus and at the two campuses that have â€Å"official† locker programs. Research: two pages that will detail how we did our research. This will have anShow MoreRelatedResearch Proposal Sample883 Words   |  4 Pagesbooklets, samples of the kinds of experiences students have at our Festivals. These have proven very popular. Piles of them disappear rapidly at these meetings, and we get regular feedback about how they are being used both in and out of classrooms. If you would like to see any of these publications, visit or write to us at JRMF continues to seek partners to work with in multiple venues. We have reached out to: Mathematical Sciences Research InstituteRead MoreSample of Research Proposal1059 Words   |  5 PagesRESEARCH PROPOSAL Research Topic: The title of this graduation project (MGT400) will be university/college student’s perception towards fitness service in Klang Valley. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay about The Bystander Effect - 1791 Words

‘The Bystander Effect’ Lily is thirteen years old and tall for her age. One afternoon, she confronts a suspicious looking stranger near a young girl playing in the local park. The stranger takes to his heels when Lily challenges him. Lily’s bravery is the talk of the neighbourhood. On learning of this, a student who is studying social psychology makes the comment: It’s just as well that Lily’s usual playmates were not around or that little girl might not have received any help. (Vaughan and Hogg, 2005, p.358) When it comes to helping others, studies have uncovered an apparent paradox in social psychology called the ‘bystander effect’ (Weiten 2007, p.684). The bystander effect is a theory of pro-social or helping behaviour†¦show more content†¦Garcia et al (2002, p. 843) confirms the theory that when other bystanders are present responsibility for helping is diffused or reduced, however if a lone bystander is present he or she is more likely to assume responsibility. Also described as diffusion of responsibility (Latane and Darley 1968, p. 377) these findings indicate that this act of pro-social behaviour is perhaps the largest factor in determining how a bystander will respond in an emergency situation. This further explains the social psychology student’s comment in that with no others present it becomes impossible for Lily to rely on another to be responsible for taking action in this situation. We can then conclude that when passive social influence is present as opposed to proactive social influence, a person’s sense of responsibility is decreased because they feel as if there is no problem to be concerned with or are inept to deal with it and consequently, diffusion of responsibility ensues. Personal cost and reward is also a significant factor in bystander intervention and a bystander weighing the costs of direct and indirect helping â€Å"will usually chose the action that will reduce personal distress to the lowest cost† (Piliavin et al., 1981, p. 72). In Lily’s case her bravery was rewarded and she became the talk of the neighbourhood, however another individual may haveShow MoreRelatedBystander Effect And Crises : Bystander Effects1625 Words   |  7 Pages Anthony R. Hudgens March 24, 2016 Case Study #4 Bystander Effect and Crises Bystander Effect and Crises A woman by the name of Kitty Genovese was stalked and stabbed to death in an alleyway of Queens, New York, in 1964 (Pugh Henry). It is reported that there were nearly 40 witnesses who heard her screams for help but failed to do so (Colangelo, 2014). Why is it that some individuals tend to shy away from bad situations in which help is clearly needed? Kitty’s murderer, Winston MoselyRead MoreBystander Apathy And Effect Of Bystander1084 Words   |  5 PagesBystander Apathy and Effect Bystander effect, or also known as bystander apathy, is a social psychological phenomenon that attributes to cases in which others do not help people in need while others are around. The possibility of help is contrarily connected to the amount of bystanders. Basically, the larger amount of bystanders the less likely people will help the one in need. Various variables help to explain why the bystander effect occurs. These variables include: ambiguity, cohesivenessRead MoreBystander Effect Essay1389 Words   |  6 PagesThe Bystander Effect The Bystander effect is a controversial theory given to social phenomenon where the more potential helpers there are, the less likely any individual is to help. A traditional explanation for this Bystander Effect is that responsibility diffuses across the multiple bystanders, diluting the responsibility of each. (Kyle et al.) The Bystander effect, also known as the Genovese Syndrome, was created after the infamous murder of â€Å"Kitty† Catherine Genovese in 1964, on the streets ofRead MoreBystander Effect Essay1637 Words   |  7 Pages Bystander or Bodyguard: An Examination of Who Helps and Who Does Not A bystander, according to Michael Webster’s New World College Dictionary, is an individual who is present in a given situation, but is not involved (Agnes, 2001). The word bystander does not always have a negative connotation, but in the case of bullying or an emergency situation, it does. In either scenario, a bystander is not helping in a time of crisis and this can have many negative outcomes. Many factors play a role in remainingRead MoreEssay on Bystander Effect1079 Words   |  5 PagesBystander effect, (Darley Latane, 1970) refers to decrease in helping response when there are bystanders around relative to no bystanders. 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The Bystander effect, also known as the Genovese Syndrome, was named after the infamous murder of â€Å"Kitty† Catherine Genovese in 1964,Read MoreThe Bystander Effect And Racism913 Words   |  4 Pagesthose they perceive to be similar to them, including others from their own racial or ethnic groups. We don’t like to discover that our propensity for altruism can depend on prejudice†¦Ã¢â‚¬  We can connect the evidence provided to explain issues of the bystander effect and racism. For example, when people witness a situation of racism , they are probably only going to help if it is someone from the same racial group. However, if it were someone foreign to his or her group, then that would ignore the issue andRead MoreThe bystander effect Essay1223 Words   |  5 Pagesdefinitive example of the bystander effect, the social phenomenon in which individuals are less likely to help someone in distress if there are other people present. The bystander effect occurs wherever there is a situation that is ambiguous, or where a lack of action can be rationalized by a diffusion of responsibility in a large group, or where the presence of others presents a significant risk to the bystander such that he or she is afraid to provide help. The bystander effect results from peopleRead MoreThe Bystander Effect Essays1305 Words   |  6 PagesThe Bystander Effect Psy 110 - Asynchronous The Bystander Effect If you saw someone being attacked on the street, would you help? Many of us would quickly say yes we would help because to state the opposite would say that we are evil human beings. Much research has been done on why people choose to help and why others choose not to. The bystander effect states that the more bystanders present, the less likely it is for someone to help. SometimesRead MoreHistory Of The Bystander Effect1835 Words   |  8 PagesHistory of the Bystander Effect The bystander effect is a very famous theory. It has been indited about in many Psychology Textbooks. In addition, there has been many situations that have been associated with this theory. Nevertheless, there was one story that commenced it all. This acclaimed story went viral and what some would call, legendary. This story resulted in a woman denominated as Kitty Genovese being assailed and murdered by Winston Moseley. The reason this situation became so popular

Friday, December 13, 2019

Memento and License Plate Number Free Essays

Memento is a movie directed by Christopher Nolan, the story is based on the short story Memento Mori by his brother Johnathan Nolan. Memento is a story about a man who loses the ability to make new memories after he witnesses his wife being raped and murdered. The film is told in two different stories: one is in black and white and told chronologically, and the other is in color and told backwards. We will write a custom essay sample on Memento and License Plate Number or any similar topic only for you Order Now Leonard Shelby wakes up one night and notices his wife is missing from their bed. He hears grumbling and moaning coming from the bathroom. He proceeds to the bedroom loset and retrieves a pistol; he loads it and walks toward the bathroom. He barges into the bathroom where two guys are raping his wife. He shoots one and the other knocks him into the bathroom mirror knocking him onto the ground. Causing him to have a head injury, where he cannot make any new memories. The last thing he remembers is lying on the ground next to his wife who is wrapped in a shower curtain suffocating. Though his memory problem obstructs his ability to endure lengthy activities, Leonard manages to focus his energies on searching for the second assailant and avenging his wife’s rape and murder, reminding himself of important acts by carrying a police file of the crime, taking notes and pictures, and even going so far as to tattoo the most vital details about his mission throughout his body. Along the way, a couple of characters take advantage of his revengeful and forgetful state of mind, deceiving Leonard into murdering several people other than his wife’s assailant. Leonard wakes up in a motel room at the Discount Inn, stunned and muddled as to why he is there. The phone rings and Leonard answers. He starts telling the unknown caller about his circumstance, anterograde amnesia, which means he cannot create new memories. Anterograde amnesia is defined as â€Å"a selective memory deficit, resulting from brain injury, in which the individual is severely impaired on learning new information† (â€Å"Memory Loss the Brain†). He then tells the caller that he had become an insurance investigator and was assigned to Sammy Jenkins. Sammy had anterograde amnesia, and Leonard was assigned to determine if Sammy’s condition was covered under their insurance policy. He tells the caller in order to deal with this circumstance a person must have a system of notes, and the drive to use them. Leonard says he has the motivation that Sammy lacked, we then ee tattooed on Leonard’s chest â€Å"John G. raped and killed your wife† (Memento). He continues to tell the caller that through testing Sammy was not covered under his insurance policy because his circumstance was psychological not physical. The caller then identifies himself as Officer Gammell, he tells Leonard the second man from the night of the attack is Jimmy Grantz. Officer Gammell then tells Leonard he has set up a meeting for him and Jimmy. Leonard then heads to the lobby to meet the officer. Officer Gammell tells Leonard to call him Teddy because he is under cover. Teddy gives Leonard directions to an abandoned building outside of town. Leonard goes to the building and waits for Jimmy. Jimmy pulls up and walks inside Jimmy with a tire iron. Leonard then puts Jimmy’s clothes on and dresses Jimmy in his old clothes. Leonard then drags Jimmy down the stairs and he hears Jimmy whisper â€Å"Sammy. † Leonard then begins to think how could Jimmy know Sammy? He then realizes there is no way he could be the second attacker. Teddy then pulls up outside and Leonard runs out and tells him to hurry inside someone is wounded. Once inside Leonard turns on Teddy, telling him he sent him to kill the wrong guy. Teddy tries to persuade Leonard that Jimmy was his wife’s killer. Finally Teddy confesses that Jimmy Grantz was Just a drug dealer who had nothing to do with the attack on his wife. Teddy then tells Leonard his wife endured the attack and that the story of Sammy Jenkins was truly about himself. Teddy also tells Leonard that he was the officer that investigated the attack on his wife. â€Å"He says he believed him about the second attacker and he helped him track down and kill the real John G. over a year ago. Teddy claims that he took a picture of a happy Leonard right after the second attacker was dead† (Memento). Leonard does not recollect the murder at all. Before Leonard can forget what Teddy is telling him he burns the picture that teddy gave him. He then writes â€Å"don’t believe his lies† on the back of Teddy’s picture (Memento). He also writes down Teddy’s license plate number as John G. ‘s license plate number. He writes himself a note to get the license plate number tattooed on him. Setting himself up to kill Teddy as the next John G. Leonard then tosses Teddys keys into the bushes, gets into Jimmy’s Jaguar and drives off. While driving he sees a tattoo parlor so he stops and goes inside and roceeds to get the license plate tattooed on him. Teddy sees the Jaguar outside so he comes in and suggests that Leonard get out of town and put new clothes on because people are â€Å"starting to ask questions† (Memento). Leonard looks at Teddys picture in his pocket and sees â€Å"don’t believe his lies† so he escapes out of the back window and drives away. He finds a coaster in Jimmy’s coat pocket that says meet me at Ferdys bar, and the note is from a Natalie. So he goes to the bar and finds Natalie, he tells her about his condition and after a test she believes him. Natalie takes Leonard to her home and tells him he can stay with her. Natalie tricks Leonard into going after a man named Dodd who Natalie says has been abusing her. Leonard goes to meet Dodd to beat him up for Natalie, but when he gets into his car Teddy is waiting for him and he tries to warn Leonard about Natalie but sees the note on the back of Teddys picture so he does not believe him. Leonard goes to meet Dodd at his hotel room and beats him up and ties his hands he then throws him in the closet and calls Teddy for help. Teddy comes to Dodd’s hotel room and they take Dodd to a ecluded area and convince him to leave town. Leonard goes back to Natalie’s and she says she will trace the license plate number for him because he took care of Dodd for her. She gives him the information and directions to an abandoned building outside of town. Leonard puts the clues together that Teddy must be John G. and calls him to meet him at the building where Jimmy Grantz was killed a couple of days earlier. Leonard then shoots Teddy in the head. How to cite Memento and License Plate Number, Papers